As a model you can use the Shutter Studio app for free.
For photographers the Shutter Studio account has a forever free plan (no trial period) with basic features with unlimited sessions and a cloud storage of 3gb. You can upgrade your account to get more space or delete past sessions to free up space.
Pro and
Pro PLUS plans allow the photographer to
take pictures in RAW format (Android and iOS) and to have more cloud storage (20GB with Pro Plan or 200GB with Pro PLUS Plan).
Pro Plan is €16/mo
Pro PLUS Plan is €24/mo
Sign up for a Shutter Studio account
here and enjoy a free plan or upgrade it in your profile.
You can cancel your subscription at any timeYour subscription automatically renews at the end of the billing cycle. To do this, go to your settings (click on the avatar) and then to
Subscription - Manage your subscription and Billing - Update plan - Choose the Hobby plan.